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sábado, 3 de abril de 2021

Western Sahara from Trump to Biden: the American game



 21/03/2021 Region: Mediterranean Sea Topic: Various

The self-determination process in Western Sahara accumulates a series of cases that result in a successive violation of collective and individual rights, which has been repeated for years. It is this situation that leaves the great powers like the United States to use their power to ally with Morocco, behind the backs of the Saharawi people without any consideration either humanitarian or legal.

In this sense, Trump's American position in favour of the Moroccan thesis over Western Sahara, and that of his successor Joe Biden who takes the middle baton are counterproductive and draws a new American policy in the Maghreb.

Western Sahara non-self-governing territory

To this day, the UN maintains a list of 17 territories considered as non-self-governing – territories that have yet to be decolonized. All, except one, are islands, the vast majority administered by the United Kingdom; the smallest, Pitcairn, has just 43 residents. By far the largest by population (582,000 inhabitants) and land area (266.000, 00 sq. km) is Western Sahara.

In 1960, the UN passed Resolution 1514, which declared, “All peoples have the right to self-determination.” In 1965, Western Sahara was recognized as a non-self-governing territory, after Spain renounced its sovereignty. In 1990, the UN General Assembly reaffirmed that Western Sahara was still waiting to be decolonized and that its future should be determined by its people.

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